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Any dispute can be destructive for your business and for your personal life. Our litigation team is able to assist you in this difficult journey and help you work out the right solution. We will look at alternative approaches to achieve the best outcome for you. Often there is not only a financial interest to protect, but also potentially a client’s future.

Civil cases often go through the procedure of alternative dispute resolution to try and reach a settlement at an early stage of the case to prevent costly court proceedings. This is beneficial to both parties and prevents unnecessary court cases which may involve a great deal of stress and expenses.

Our legal team have experience in representing clients in complicated cases and are confident that you and your interests would be guarded at any stage of your case, whether you are a prospective claimant or a defendant, be it in the pre-hearing stage or adversarial proceedings.

Our litigation services include:

  • Pre-actions claims
  • County Court Claims
  • Commercial /contractual disputes
  • Money claim
  • Money recovery
  • Employment Litigation

Temple Solicitors would also be happy to advice you on a matter involving any other related areas of law.

To discuss your litigation matter in confidence, call Temple Solicitors on 0203 500 3523, email us at info@templesolicitors.com

Our team of experienced family law solicitors are there to help you. We understand that the breakdown of a relationship can be one of the most stressful events in your life. Whether you are dealing with domestic violence, divorce, dissolving a civil partnership, legal separation, financial settlements, arrangements for children, prenuptial, postnuptial or cohabitation agreements and emergency injunctions, you can rely on our supportive and  practical advice.

We understand that when you come to see us about a domestic violence, a child arrangement, divorce or other family law matters, you may be under significant emotional pressure.  When you instruct our family law solicitors, you will quickly be reassured; not only by their sensitive, compassionate manner but also by how they focus on reaching long-term, workable solutions.  We will also help you manage any conflict with your partner or other family members and ensure that the needs of any children are kept at the forefront of any conflict resolution.

At Temple Solicitors, you will find a law firm that is committed to providing comprehensive family law advice in a caring, compassionate manner.  We will always put your needs first and act in your best interests at all times.  We will ensure that you are kept informed throughout the proceedings and are flexible in our responses to allow for the rapid change in circumstances that can often occur in family law cases. We are completely transparent regarding our fees and will provide open, honest communication throughout the duration of your case.

By instructing us, you can be confident that your family law matter is being managed by solicitors who are experts in their field and genuinely care about you and your children.

Our team of Family law solicitors can assist clients from the UK and internationally with the following list of legal services:

  • Domestic violence/ Non Molestation orders
  • Divorce and separation agreements
  • Dissolution of Civil Partnerships and separation agreements
  • Financial settlements of assets on divorce or dissolution
  • Child and spousal maintenance or civil partner maintenance
  • Children issues – residence and contact issues
  • Rights of unmarried couples
  • Pre-nuptial agreements and post-nuptial agreements
  • Injunctions
  • Non-molestation orders
  • Occupation orders

For a more detailed discussion regarding your case, or to book an appointment with a member of our family law team, please call us now on 02035003523, email us at info@thetemplesolicitors.com

Immigration law

Our specialist immigration team has been advising individuals and businesses on all aspects of UK immigration and nationality law.

We cover all areas of immigration

Our team of immigration lawyers are experts in all areas of UK immigration and nationality law and offer assistance with both personal and business immigration-related issues.

  • All aspects of Citizenship, Registration and Right of Abode applications
  • Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 applications
  • Long Residence applications under the 10 year rule for people who have lived in the UK legally for 10 years
  • Long Residence applications under the 20 years rule for people who have lived in the UK wholly illegally or partly for 20 years
  • Routes to settlement under concessional policies
  • Humanitarian Protection and Discretionary Leave matters
  • Settlement through marriage
  • Settlement of relatives
  • EEA applications
  • Asylum: we are happy to deal with private cases
  • Other routes to settlement
  • Human Rights

Appeal Cases

After refusals by the Home Office, we provide services in relation to appeals and reconsideration appeals to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal and the Court of Appeal:

  • Judicial review matters at the court
  • When you are refused leave, it is important to seek the advice of experienced immigration solicitors or advisers to know what options are available to you. While the Home Office is obliged to notify of appeal rights refused applicants may have, they do not necessarily do so in all cases.
  • It is also important to contact an adviser as soon as you receive a refusal decision, where there is a right of appeal. You may lose this right to appeal if you appeal outside the stated time limit unless you can establish that delay was not your fault. This may be difficult to prove sometimes if the Home Office has evidence to confirm that you were served with refusal papers by posting them to your last address or to your previous solicitors or representatives.

Our Fees

We do offer fixed fees for most of the work that we provide but we also work on hourly rates.

Variable Fees

  • We offer a 30 Minutes free consultation and charge from £75.00 plus VAT for the next half an hour and £100.00 Plus VAT for the subsequent hours if needed for a complex matter. 
  • We charge between and from £150.00 to £300.00 excluding VAT per hour depending on the experiences of our lawyers. 

If work is being charged based on time spent, the hourly charges may vary based on the lawyers and his or her experience.   We will normally select the level of fee earner we believe is appropriate for your case, but if you wish to discuss this with us, please ask.

All fees quoted will be confirmed in writing. All estimated fees will be frequently reviewed and if further work is required we will obtain clear instructions before we proceed.

Fixed Fees

The table below is sample to give you an indication of possible charges, but the best way to find out how much your transaction or case is likely to cost is to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

In some instances we will instruct counsel and in others disbursement involved. If your case is one of those we will discuss the fees involve and everything will be communicated to you

EU Applications

We deal with all categories of applications under the EEA Family Permit such as:

  • Residence Card as a family member of an EEA national
  • Pre-settled and Settled status
  • Extended Family Members
  • Registration Certificate as an EEA National
  • Retaining Rights of Residence
  • Derivative Residence Card
  • Zambrano (CHILD) Parent of a British child
  • Permanent Residence Card Application.


At the initial stage we will assess your case and advise you on the merits. Our fees will range from £1,000.00 to £1,500.00 excluding VAT for a straightforward case.

UK Visitors

Under this category, we deal with the following:

  • Business visitor’s visa UK
  • Family visitor’s visa UK
  • Child visitor’s Visa
  • Entertainer visitor’s visa UK
  • General visitor’s visa UK
  • Parent of a child at a school in the UK
  • Prospective Entrepreneur visitor’s visa UK
  • Sports visitor’s visa UK
  • Student visa UK
  • UK visa for PLAB test
  • Visitor’s visa for Marriage/Civil Partnership
  • Visitor’s visa for Private Medical treatment


Our charges range from £1000.00 excluding VAT for a straightforward application while charges may vary for a more complicated matter.

UK Student Visa

UK Students now come under Tier 4. There are two types of Tier 4 students’ visas.

  • Tier 4 (General):

These are adults and any person coming to the UK for a post 16 year’s education.

  • Tier 4 (Child):

Those aged 4 and 17 and wishes to enter the UK for studies. For children who are aged between 4 and 15, the rules permit them to be educated only at an independent fee-paying school.


Our charges range from £1000.00 excluding VAT to higher fees subject to the complexity of each case.

Sponsorship Licence (Formerly Known as Tier 2 Licence)

After the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (EU), UK businesses are keen to employ skilled migrant workers from outside the United Kingdom (UK) or hiring from the current migrants from other categories from inside the UK. In doing so, the businesses need a Sponsorship Licence in order to employ such migrants. The process of getting Sponsorship Licence from the United Kingdom Visas and Immigrations (UKVI) is often complicated, as one needs to meet the requirement of specific documentary evidences to establish that the sponsor  organisation is a genuine business and the business is unable to fill the vacancy by a UK settled person.  Our expert team can assist you to deal with your application and obtain licence for your organisation.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2,500.00 excluding VAT or higher subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

We can further assist you in sponsor licence management and compliance matter with separate fees.

Skilled Worker Visa replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa

Any United Kingdom (UK) organisation having sponsor licence from the UKVI can employ skilled migrant workers from outside the UK or skilled migrant workers switching from other categories from the workforces inside the UK. In order to be successful in this visa route employment is to be offered by such organisations who would issue a certificate of sponsorship (CoS). As a prospective employee, one needs to meet English Language, Maintenance, Criminal Record check and Tuberculosis (TB) test requirements.

The Skilled Worker visa can lead the holder to Indefinite Leave to Remain after five years of residency in the UK.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £1,200.00 excluding VAT or higher subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

Employment, Business and Investment

For persons who want to enter the UK for the purpose of working; doing business or want to come and invest in the UK.

Tier 1 Categories:

  • Tier 1: Exceptional Talent Migrant
  • Tier 1: Entrepreneur
  • Tier 1: Investor
  • Tier 1: Family members of a Tier 1 Migrant

Tier 2 Categories:

  • Tier 2 (General): Migrant
  • Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer): Workers


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2,000.00 excluding VAT or higher subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

Private life Applications:

You can apply for leave to remain on the basis of your private life in the UK which you have established as a result of your stay in the UK.

  • 20 Years Long Residence in the UK:

If you have been living in the UK for a continuous period of 20 years legally or illegally, you can apply for a leave under this category. You will be given a 30 months leave to remain, which will be renewable.

  • 7 Years Continuous Residence as a Child in the UK:

A child who was born in the UK or has lived in the UK for a continuous period of 7 years, can apply for live to remain based on his or her private life.

  • Application on the basis of Very Significant Obstacles to Integration in your country of origin: 

You must be over the age of 18 years and have lived continuously in the UK for less than 20 years.

  • Application on the basis of Living Half of Your Life in the UK:

If you are over the age of 18 years and under the age of 25 years, you can apply for a leave to remain on the basis of your private life. If you can show that you have spent at least half of your life living continuously in the UK.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2000 to £2500 excluding VAT, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

  • As a Parent

According to the Immigration Rule, you are classified as a ‘parent’, if you are the mother, or father, or stepmother, or stepfather, or adoptive parents, of a British citizen, or a person who is settled in the UK, or in the UK with a limited leave as a refugee, or as a person who has been granted humanitarian protection.


 We will charge you from £ 1500.00 to a higher fee subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

  • As an Adult Dependent Relative

This route is for a non-EEA adult dependent relative of a British citizen living in the UK, or he/she is settled in the UK, or a person who is in the UK with a granted refugee or humanitarian protection.

You need to show that you cannot get this care anywhere else even in your country of origin.

Secondly, only the sponsor’s parent aged 18 years or over; grandparent; brother or sister over the age of 18 years; and son or daughter aged 18 years or over are able to apply.

Thirdly, before making this application, you should be living outside the UK. A person cannot switch into this category once you are in the UK except in exceptional circumstances.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2,000.00 to £2,500.00, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

  • Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) as a Partner 

You can apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK if you have completed 5 year leave or a 10 year leave. You must also need to fulfil all the conditions attached to it.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. For a full instruction, we will charge you from £2,000.00 to £2,500.00 with VAT applicable.

  • Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) as a Bereaved Partner 

If before you complete the 5 years or 10 years leave as a partner, and your partner dies, you can apply for a settlement.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £1000.00 to a higher rate Excluding VAT applicable, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

  • Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) as a Partner Victim of Domestic Violence 

If you separate from your partner due to domestic violence before you complete your 5 or 10 years period, and you wish to stay in the UK, you can apply for settlement.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £1,500.00 to £2,000.00 with VAT applicable, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

Deportation and Administrative Removal

There are the 2 types of eviction that can be used to deport you from the UK:

  • (1) Deportation

The Secretary of State has very wide powers to under the Immigration Act 1971 to deport someone.

This requires you to leave the UK and will ban you from coming back or enters the UK for the duration of the ban.

Note that persons with indefinite leave to remain and EU citizens can be deported if they commit serious crimes or offences.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2,500.00 to £3,000.00 to start with subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

  • (2) Administrative Removal

This is a type of removal that is available to the Secretary of State to remove anybody who has breached any of the Immigration rules.eg, if you have remained beyond the period of your stay.

These may be the following persons:

  • Anyone who failed to observe the conditions attached to his leave;
  • An overstayer
  • Anyone who has obtained leave to remain by deception, or who wants to obtain such leave by deception;
  • Even family members of such persons are liable to be administratively removed

That is why we advise that, persons who wish to extend their leave should apply before the leave comes to an end. Else you are committing a criminal offence if you knowingly overstay or fails to respect the conditions attach to your leave. Even if you didn’t know that you have overstayed, you may still be removed.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2,500.00 to £3,000.00 to start with subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

Immigration Appeals

We deal with all decisions against which there is a right of appeal:

  • Refusal of leave to enter the UK
  • Refusal of Entry Clearance
  • Refusal of a certificate of entitlement of the right of abode
  • Refusal to vary a person’s leave to enter or remain in the UK if the result of the refusal is that the person has no leave to enter or remain in the UK
  • Refusal of your switch or variation of your immigration status , even when during the changing, you had no leave to enter or remain in the UK
  • Your revocation of your leave to enter, remain or your indefinite leave to remain
  • A decision that an illegal entrant is to be removed from the UK
  • A decision that a person whose leave had been extended, and is now to be removed from the UK
  • A decision to remove a family member of a person refused leave to enter in the UK or who is an illegal entrant
  • A decision to remove a seaman or aircraft crew
  • A decision to deprive a Commonwealth citizen of right of abode
  • A decision to make a deportation order
  • Refusal to revoke a deportation order

This list is not exhaustive.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £2500.00 to £5,000.00, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case

Judicial Review Matters

  • Making your Claim

Before we lodge your Judicial Review application to the court, we will draft a Letter Before Claim and send it to the Home Office (Secretary of State for Home Department). We wait to see if they will overturn their decision, if not, we will proceed to preparing and lodging a claim to the High Court. We always seek the opinion of Counsel and work with them.


Our charges range from £3,500.00 to £4,000.00 excluding Counsel’s fees and the complexity of the case.

  • Emergency Injunction

We can also make an emergency Judicial Review injunction to stop the removal from the UK or any other emergency decisions that the Secretary of State for Home Department has taken.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £1,500.00 to £2,000.00 excluding VAT subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

British Nationality and Right of Abode

You can become a British citizen either by birth, naturalisation or right of abode:

  • By Birth

We can make an application for a British nationality for you, if you were born:

  1. Before 1983 or after 1982; and
  2. In the UK or elsewhere, if you fulfil the conditions
  • Right of Abode

We can also make an application for a British nationality for you under this category, if you will be able to fulfil the conditions attached to it.

  • Naturalisation

If you are a foreigner and has a settled status (mostly through indefinite leave) you may wish to become a British citizen through naturalisation.


We will assess your case and advise you on the merits. We will charge you from £1000.00 excluding VAT, subject to the complexity and casework required in your case.

We are committed to providing expert advice and assistance to all our clients in relation to any lease, housing, letting or property issues.

At Temple Solicitors, we have the insight on how our clients can deal with their matter in a cost-effective way. Our lawyers provide expert legal advice and assistance on matters where dispute has arisen, or proceedings have been issued, or to deal with a new lease or assignment of a lease. Our experts will assist you at every stage of the process of letting a property such as; from drafting an effective tenancy agreement to ending a tenancy and eviction matters.

Our experienced team would assist you to prepare head of terms, drafting a suitable lease or license to assign, agreement related to sale of a business and tenancy agreement to reduce a potential conflict you may have in the future.

Our Landlord and Tenant advice and services includes:

  • Possession proceedings in the County court (council, housing association tenants, private etc)
  • Unlawful evictions
  • Providing representation at court
  • Preparing and serving notices seeking possession
  • Advising on legislation regarding tenancy deposit schemes and houses in multiple occupation
  • Complying with tenancy deposit scheme requirements
  • Issuing section 21 notices under provisions of the Housing Act 1988
  • Issuing accelerated possession proceedings for assured short hold tenancies
  • Issuing possession proceedings for rent arrears and other breaches of tenancy
  • Drafting tenancy agreements
  • Taking the right action regarding tenants who are in rent arrears or in breach of their tenancy agreement
  • Ending a tenancy and recovering possession of the property
  • Disrepair issues including defending landlords in County court claims for disrepair brought by tenants
  • Granting and negotiating new leases;
  • Advice regarding assignments, sub-letting, under letting’s and alterations;
  • Rent deposit deeds;
  • Lease renewals;
  • Buying and selling a business
  • Submitting return of stamp duty land tax (SDLT)
  • Registering with the Land Registry

To find out how Temple Solicitors can help you and your business please contact our Landlord and Tenant team on 02035003523, email us at mc@templesolicitors.com.

We would be happy to help our clients plan for the future by providing advice on Wills, Succession and Estate Planning as matters might get pernicious. In addition, we can help deal with the legalities of winding up a loved one's estate, including advice on applying for letters of administration, what to do if a loved one dies without a Will and advice on contesting a Will.

We are able to advise you on:

  • Writing a Will
  • Contesting a Will
  • Estate Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Letters of Administration
  • Probate
  • Dying Without a Will (Intestate Succession)
  • Wills and Probate Disputes
  • LPA


We will charge you from £2000.00 excluding VAT depending upon the complexity of your matter.

For more information on our services, or to book a consultation with one of our expert Wills & Probate solicitors, call Temple Solicitors on 0203 500 3523, email us at info@templesolicitors.com.